More Planning – Outline Tour Stop – Kauke Hall

Going along with my prospectus that was due last week, I am still in the planning stages for most of my project. While I am reading, researching the several tours stops that I am going to create, I am also starting to plan out the first one I will be making, the one on Kauke Hall. Kauke Hall is a such a central part of the campus, and with its two distinct renovations it would be hard to ignore when discussing historic preservation at the College. Below is the framework/storyboard that I have created to guide me in developing the tour stop. I used an internet site, to construct it.

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2 Responses to More Planning – Outline Tour Stop – Kauke Hall

  1. kholt says:

    I like your use of the concept map – it makes it easier for me to imagine your eventual site navigation.
    Do you see each renovation as a separate digital product? At our meeting today, I’d like to hear you talk about research questions for each of your components.

  2. kholt says:

    One more thought: have you seen The Chronicle of Higher Education’s blog on “Buildings & Grounds” ?

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